Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Venus Transit 2012

I had wanted to observe and capture this rare celestial event, but I had nothing to watch it without damaging my eyes and my camera. So what does any computer savvy person do; I Googled it. From what I read; I needed a #14 welders lens to block out the harmful UV rays. Well in a small farming community like Taber, and just one hour before show time, I looked and looked and looked and could not find any #14 Welders lens. The darkest one I could find was a #11, so that is what I end up using. I think they turned out rather spectacular.


  1. Wow, really great shots C!! Thanks for sharing, Laurie.

  2. Beautiful pictures.

  3. I kinda felt like I needed to considering this won’t happen again until 2117. Plus this sort of stuff fascinates me.

  4. Wow, that is very cool. I wondered what it would look like, but I don't have any of the equipment I would have needed to really see it properly. So glad you got to see this and thought to share it, thank you. :)

  5. The lenses cost me $7 at the local hardware store, and I managed to capture the pictures between the clouds as the storm that carried the tornado blew in.
